Chapter 11. Modal auxiliary verbs 조동사

Unit 33. Understanding of the modal auxiliary verbs: 'can/could'
조동사의 이해: can/could
1. "May I come in?"
2. "Will it be rainy this weekend?"
3. "She can write poems and stories." (1)
3. "Can I ask you one thing?" (2)
Unit 34. 'may' and 'might'
1. "May I see them?"
2. "Perhaps Hyunoo may not come."
3. "She may well be disappointed."
Unit 35. 'must' and 'have to'
1. "I must get up earlier than usual."
2. "There must be some mistake."
Unit 36. 'should', 'ought to', and 'had better'
1. "We should be quiet in public area."
2. "You had better try to play games less."
Unit 37. 'shall', 'will', and 'would'
1. "Where shall we meet?"
2. "Will you come over here?"
3. "Would you tell me about your school days?"
Unit 38. 'used to' and 'be used to ?ing'
1. "There used to be 60 children in a class."
2. "I used to go by bike."
Unit 39. '(modal aux. verb) + have + (past participle)' ‘조동사+have+p.p.'
1. "He can't have gone there."
2. "I should have worked harder, but I didn't." (1)
2. "It is certain that he told us a lie." (2)
Wrap up Chapter 11
1. "In the cafeteria"
2. "I should not have eaten such a heavy breakfast."

Chapter 12. Verbs 동사

Unit 40. Kinds of verbs and 5 basic sentence patterns 동사의 종류와 5가지 기본 형식
1. "It is a nice day today." (1)
1. "A fun afternoon at the park" (2)
2. "There is no wind in the air."
3. "My dad is a designer." (1)
3. "It smells delicious." (2)
4. "Mom brought two cellphones home." (1)