Chapter 1. ‘Be’ and the full verbs be동사와 일반 동사

Unit 01 ‘Be’ as a full verb 일반 동사로서 be동사의 쓰임
1. "I am thirteen years old." (1) 1. "We are making food." (2)
2. "I'm proud of my parents."
3. "My mom is a great cook."
4. "Leaving the party."
Unit 02 The full verbs 일반 동사
1. "We are friends." 2. "I have a dog."
3. "My father doesn't like dogs."
4. "Do you have any pets?"
Wrap up Chapter 1
1. "Hyunwoo and Dunah are my friends."
2. "My dad likes to go bike riding."

Chapter 2 Pronouns (1) 대명사 (1)

Unit 3. Personal pronouns 인칭대명사
1. "My twin brother" (1) 1. "My little sister" (2)
2. "After School (1)" (1) 2. "It's rainy outside." (2)
Unit 4. Demonstrative pronouns and the impersonal subject ‘It’ 지시대명사와 비인칭 주어 'it'
1. "My hat" (1) 1. "My mom makes me cookies." (2)
2. "Where is my diary?" 3. "Houses by the river"
4. "It's cold outside." (1) 4. "I must go home." (2)
Wrap up Chapter 2
1. "Getting ready for school"